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About Me

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I'm a third year computer software engineering student, studying at the University of Alberta.

Since my second year, I've been a member of the University of Alberta RoboMasters (UARM) computer team. It is a competition team that builds robots to compete in DJI RoboMaster AI Challenge at the ICRA. In UARM, I learned about ROS in handling communication between the different components going into the robots as well as utilizing different algorithms such as dijkstras and A star in order to navigate a LiDAR generated map. My main duty as part of UARM was to help decide what optimal strategies were in terms of positioning and then help design the decision tree that the robot followed.

Some of the projects I'm currently working on:

Programming languages I know:


To see all of the projects I've been a part of see the following GitHub link: https://github.com/rjmah1

Some of the repositories are currently private since they contain schoolwork that people shouldn't have easy access to. If you would like to see the source code for some of those assignments you can find contact information by clicking the Contact button on the header.

A couple of the completed projects I've done.

Contact Information

Phone: (780) 718 - 6883

Email: rjmah1@ualberta.ca

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-mah/